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Pageviews are the number of times your website's pages have been viewed by a user.

What are Pageviews in Google Analytics?

In Google Analytics, a "pageview" is defined as a view of a webpage on a website. It is recorded each time a web page is loaded or reloaded in a browser, including when a user clicks the back button.

To be more precise, Google defines pageviews as "an instance of a page being loaded or reloaded in a browser," meaning every attempt to visit your site will be counted as a one-page view. If one user visits your website 10 times, you have 10 pageviews. 

It's not accurate to think that the number of pageviews equals the number of users. One reason that a user may contribute multiple pageviews in one session is that they can refresh the page.

What counts as a Pageviews in Google Analytics?

A pageview is any event that results in the display of a web page. This includes:

  1. A user clicks on a link to your website
  2. A user opens a browser window and loads your site
  3. A user refreshes the page.

How to calculate Average Pageviews in Google Analytics?

The Average pageviews in Google Analytics can be calculated by dividing the total number of pageviews by the total number of visits during the same timeframe.

Visits - Visits are also known as sessions, the visit begins when a visitor interacts with the site. Visitor interactions usually occur when they first view a page. 

Average Pageview per visit formula

The higher the average pageviews, the higher the user engagement.

What is a good benchmark for average Pageviews?

When it comes to website usage, the average user views an average of 5 pages per session. Of course, there's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to measuring reasonable pageviews.

This metric varies by industry as some websites have more information-dense content or complex user journeys than others. A lot of factors influence the number of pageviews you receive, including how much content you make available to your visitors, how long your articles are, and how regularly you update your content.

benchmark for average pageviews

Why is it important to measure Pageviews in Google Analytics?

  • Page views are a particularly useful metric when looking at traffic to individual website pages. By looking at your pageview counts, you can determine whether your content resonates with your audience or not.
  • Because they're so simple, they can be used to compare the effectiveness of different pages on your site and help you determine which ones are better at driving traffic than others.
  • You can also use page views to determine how popular certain topics are. If a topic is generating lots of page views but few conversions, it might be worth investigating further before committing more resources to that topic.

What if my Pageviews are low?

If your website isn't getting enough pageviews, it could be for various reasons. The most common reason is that you haven't found a way to reach those who are interested in your product or service.

Possibly your content needs to be tailored to the people who might be interested in it, or perhaps your site needs to be mobile-friendly.

How to increase Pageviews in Google Analytics?

There are a few ways to improve your page views in Google Analytics, but the most common is to optimize your content.

  • First, make sure you're using keywords in the title tag and meta description that people searching for your content would be likely to use. This will make it easier for them to find you when they search.
  • Second, optimize your keywords so that they match the queries that people are using when they search for what you offer. You can do this by checking out what other companies are doing with their SEO and seeing if there's something you can borrow from them.
  • Make sure your site is mobile-friendly. Google will penalise sites that aren't mobile responsive, and this will cause your page views to go down
  • Last but not least, consider your bounce rate, it is a measure of how many visitors leave after viewing only one page. It means that your site doesn't have enough content to keep people on it for long, this helps in improving your quality of content. 

Pageviews vs Unique pageviews

Unique pageviews are the number of times a user visited a page on your site in a single session. If they visit the same page multiple times, it only counts as one unique pageview. If you compare the number of pageviews and the number of unique pageviews, the latter will be lesser than the former as you know one pageview isn’t equal to one user.

In Google Analytics, unique pageviews are calculated by combining all pageviews from the same person (a user), on the same page, in the same session.

For example, if you got 100 hits on your site yesterday, it means that 100 different users visited your site. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that every single user viewed all of your pages, it could be that some users only looked at one page and left immediately. In this case, you will have more unique page views than total page views because each unique visitor viewed at least one page on your site.

How to measure Pageviews in Google Analytics?

To measure the Pageviews and Unique pageviews first, open Google Analytics,

Go to the BEHAVIOUR > OVERVIEW report. 

How to measure Pageview in Google Analytics?

How do you visualize Pageview metrics in Dashboard?

Take a look at the data visualization of pageview metrics in a Dataflo dashboard.

pageview visualization in dataflo

Unique pageview visualization in dataflo

Average pageview visualization in dataflo
Frequently Asked Questions
What are pageviews in Google Analytics?
What’s the difference between pageviews and unique pageviews?
How are average pageviews calculated?

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