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Total Followers


The total followers metric on LinkedIn refers to the number of people who have chosen to follow a user or company page.

What are the total followers on LinkedIn?

The total followers metric on LinkedIn measures the number of people who have chosen to follow a particular user or company page on the platform.

The total number of followers reflects the number of unique LinkedIn users who have clicked the "Follow" button on a user page. 

You can find this metric on the user or company page under the "Followers" section.

Importance of the total followers metric

The total followers metric on LinkedIn is essential for measuring the reach and engagement of a user or brand's content on the platform.

Reach: The total number of followers a user or a brand has indicates the platform's reach. Reach is significant to businesses trying to increase brand awareness and reach new audiences. With an increase in the number of followers, the number of people with access to their content also increases.

Engagement: The more followers a user or brand has, the more engagement it will receive because followers can easily see and interact and comment on their posts, and other content.

Audience Insights: In order to tailor content to better target and engage with audience  analyzing their followers' demographics and interests is neccessary.

Brand Popularity: The total followers metric is also an essential metric for measuring the popularity of a user or brand on the platform. A high number of followers is often associated with a high level of influence and popularity on the forum.

Comparison: It can also be used for comparison, for example, with competitors in the same industry. With this metric, a user/company can understand if their reach and influence are comparable to other players in their industry.

It's worth noting that the total followers metric is only one of many metrics that can help to gauge the reach and engagement of content on LinkedIn. Still, it can provide valuable insights into a user or brand's performance on the platform.

Best practices for increasing total followers on LinkedIn: 

Here are some best practices for increasing the number of followers on LinkedIn:

Optimize your profile: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete and up to date, including a well-written summary and a detailed work history. 

Network: Connect with people you know, including colleagues, past co-workers, and industry contacts. You can expand your reach and increase your visibility on the platform.

Engage in groups: Participate in LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry or interests. You connect with new people and establish yourself as a thought leader.

Share valuable content: Share high-quality, relevant content on your LinkedIn profile. By this, you can increase engagement and attract new followers. There is also a possibility for a conversion.

Use keywords and hashtags: Use keywords and hashtags to make your posts more discoverable on the platform.

Make use of LinkedIn features: Utilize features like "open for business" on your profile to increase the visibility of your business and make it more discoverable.

Utilize LinkedIn ads: LinkedIn has an advertising platform that can significantly increase your reach and followers.

Collaborate with influencers: Teaming up with influencers in your industry can help you to tap into their existing audience and gain new followers.

Be consistent: Create a regular posting schedule to keep your followers interested in your content.

What causes a decrease in the total followers metric on LinkedIn?

There are several reasons why the total number of followers metric on LinkedIn may decrease:

Inactivity: If a user or brand stops posting content or engaging with their followers, they may experience a decrease in their total number of followers metric.

Low-quality content: Posting low-quality or irrelevant content can lead to decreased engagement and a decrease in the total number of followers metric.

Spamming: Sending spam or irrelevant messages to connections can lead to users unfollowing or even blocking the account, decreasing the total number of followers metric.

Lack of engagement: If a user or brand is not engaging with their followers, they may not see the value in following the account and unfollowing, decreasing the total number of followers metric.

Violation of LinkedIn's policies: Breaking LinkedIn's guidelines can lead to account suspension or penalties, decreasing the total number of followers metric.

Rebranding or change in direction: Rebranding or changing the advice of a business can lead to a decrease in the total number of followers metric as some of the previous followers may need to align with the new message.

Increase in competition: As more and more companies start to use LinkedIn for marketing, the competition for followers increases, leading to a decrease in the total number of followers metric for an account.

Changes in LinkedIn Algorithm: As LinkedIn evolves, its algorithm also changes. So this could lead to a decrease in an account's reach, leading to a decline in the total number of followers metric.

Followers cleaning: It's possible that some of the followers are not real or not relevant to the user/brand's message; this could lead to a decrease in the total number of followers metric as the user/brand decide to clean their follower's list.

It's worth noting that these factors may not be the only factors influencing the decrease in the total number of followers metric; it could also be a combination of multiple factors. By identifying and addressing the underlying causes of a reduction in the total number of followers metric, a user or brand can work to improve their performance and increase their reach on LinkedIn.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between followers and connections?

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