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The Best KPI Dashboards for Founders & Marketers: A Complete Guide

Wondering which KPI dashboard to choose for your business? Discover the best KPI dashboards for founders and marketers with examples.
Ira Singh
Ira Singh
May 1, 2023
KPI Dashboards for founders and marketers image
KPI Dashboards for founders and marketers image

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Key Performance indicators (KPIs) are vital for a company's success, guiding businesses toward their goals and preventing performance management issues. 

However, merely utilizing KPIs is insufficient; selecting the right KPIs and connecting them for a coherent data story is crucial for keeping managers and team members on track.

KPI dashboards offer numerous benefits to organizations, empowering them with a single screen, displaying essential KPIs, enabling quick issue resolution, and fostering a data-driven culture. 

An article published by Microsoft states that KPI dashboards provide a unified view of data that improves visibility into company health. These modern analytic tools help combat decreased productivity and increased costs by streamlining data visualization and decision-making processes.

What is a KPI Dashboard?

Dataflo KPI Dashboard
Dataflo KPI Dashboard

KPI dashboards serve as visual tools, showcasing key performance indicators (KPIs) through interactive charts and graphs to facilitate efficient goal tracking and optimization. 

These KPIs represent quantifiable measures of performance for specific strategic objectives over time. With the ability to explore data behind KPIs, users can uncover actionable insights, transforming vast data sets into data-driven decisions that enhance business performance.

Available in various forms, KPI dashboards can be customized to monitor high-level organizational goals and daily departmental targets. They provide a comprehensive view of performance on both operational and strategic levels. Different KPIs are employed for team performance and quarterly goals, as determined by C-level management, ensuring each dashboard is tailored to specific business scenarios.

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Benefits of KPI dashboards

Calculating the right KPIs is essential in assessing your business's financial health and growth potential. Many companies that make mistakes while calculating KPIs incur considerable losses in terms of their revenue and customers. Choosing the right KPIs and tracking them on KPI dashboards gives you a clear picture of how well your business is faring.

KPI dashboards enable companies to manage strategic goals and assess their performance. With the help of KPI dashboards, companies can allow clear communication of their progress toward their performance objectives. 

By granting managers instant and transparent access to critical results, KPI dashboards empower them to make well-informed strategic decisions that drive organizational success. Here are some ways in which marketers can benefit from using KPI Dashboards.

Easy data visualization: KPI dashboards make data visualization effortless by converting complex data into visually engaging and easy-to-understand formats. 

These dashboards use interactive charts, graphs, and maps to efficiently visualize raw data, making it easier for marketers to track critical insights, trends, and patterns.

KPI dashboards enable team collaboration. Crucial data is accessible to the employees with a click of a button, which empowers them to make well-informed decisions.

Dataflo allows you to track all your important KPIs and GTM metrics in a single, interactive interface. The comment thread feature enables employees to add their insights within each metric card, thus boosting team collaborations.

Data-driven decision-making: KPI dashboards help marketers and founders make data-driven decisions by tracking vital KPIs and presenting them in an organized fashion. 

You can access and track data in real time, providing a complete picture of the organization's performance. This helps you identify strengths and weaknesses, spot patterns, and track how your goal is progressing.

With access to this crucial information, teams can make well-informed, strategic decisions based on current and accurate data, aligning their actions with the organization's objectives, and driving improved results.

Real-time ROI analysis: Founders can keep a close eye on the real-time ROI analysis of their campaigns by consistently examining the performance metrics tied to their investments and returns.

Data visualization tools collect information from various sources and present it in a user-friendly format, allowing decision-makers to monitor their investments' performance as it unfolds.

With ROI insights, teams can make educated decisions about their strategies and ensure their investments deliver the desired results, ultimately fueling business growth.

Identify new opportunities and trends: KPI dashboards help identify new opportunities and trends by consolidating relevant data from multiple sources and displaying it visually and intuitively.
Tracking essential data over a period of time with the help of KPI dashboards reveals trends and patterns, and potential areas for growth or improvement.

Founders can analyze this information to spot unexplored opportunities and create strategies to stay ahead of the competition. 

In essence, KPI dashboards enable organizations to make proactive, data-driven decisions that boost innovation and support continued success.

Increased collaboration: With the help of KPI dashboards, teams from all departments can access and analyze the data. This transparency ensures everyone is on the same page regarding the organization's objectives.

KPI dashboards cultivate a collaborative atmosphere, aligning the efforts of individuals, teams, and departments. This encourages employees to work together to tackle challenges, exchange ideas, or discover solutions.

Examples of KPI Dashboards

Dataflo Dashboard examples
Dataflo Dashboard examples

Various types of unique dashboards serve several purposes. While some focus on tracking the company’s financial health, others may be more sales-focused.

Based on your requirements, you can choose the right KPI dashboard for your company and track all your essential data in one place. Let us look at a few KPI dashboards and what they are best used for.

  • Founder/Executive KPI Dashboard: This dashboard is designed for top-level decision-makers such as founders and C-suite executives. It provides a high-level overview of an organization's performance.
    Founder/Executive KPI dashboard focuses on key strategic goals and objectives. This dashboard is ideal for identifying trends, monitoring the overall business health, and evaluating the success of long-term strategies.
  • Sales KPI Dashboard: This dashboard specializes in tracking metrics related to lead conversion, revenue generation, and sales pipeline management.
    The Sales KPI dashboard is ideal for sales teams and allows them to identify areas of improvement, monitor and optimize sales performance, and boost revenue growth.
  • Marketing KPI Dashboard: Designed specifically for marketing professionals, this dashboard centers around metrics associated with lead generation, brand awareness, and campaign success.
    It aids in assessing marketing approaches, optimizing marketing expenditure, and aligning marketing efforts with the overall business objectives.
  • Customer Success KPI Dashboard: The dashboard is ideal for customer success teams and measures customer retention, satisfaction, and engagement.
    Tracking these crucial KPIs help teams analyze customer pain points, allowing them to develop strategies that enhance support processes and improve the overall customer experience.
  • Subscription KPI Dashboard: This is the right dashboard for companies with subscription-based products and services. Metrics such as Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), Churn Rate, and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) can be tracked on this dashboard.
    Companies use the insights generated from these metrics to optimize their pricing strategies, improving customer retention and maximizing recurring revenue.
  • Content KPI Dashboard: Content KPI dashboards help content creators and marketers track content performance with the help of various metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates.
    Assessing the insights generated from these metrics help content strategists optimize their content strategies by identifying high-performing content, thus improving overall engagement.
  • Paid Attribution KPI Dashboard: Developed for professionals managing paid advertising campaigns, this dashboard focuses on metrics like cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), and click-through rates (CTR). It assists in optimizing ad spend, evaluating campaign performance, and maximizing ROI.
  • Funnel Dashboard: Designed to monitor conversion rates through different stages of the sales and marketing funnel, this dashboard helps identify bottlenecks, optimize lead nurturing processes, and improve overall conversion rates.
    It benefits both sales and marketing teams to enhance collaboration and drive revenue growth.

Dataflo's Funnel Dashboard enables you to visualize your customer journey unlike any other. This state-of-the-art feature provides unparalleled ease in detecting where customers are losing interest and what actions are necessary to keep them progressing towards conversion.

Essential KPIs to be tracked by Founders

It is crucial for you, as a founder of a company, to analyze your business and track the right KPIs for your company. Different KPIs serve different purposes.

For instance, tracking the right KPIs to assess your product launch's performance could help you comprehend whether you are improving or not. Here are some such KPIs that founders should start tracking today.

  • Pipeline: A pipeline KPI is a series of metrics used to measure the progress of the leads through the pipeline.
    Pipeline metrics allow founders to gauge the company’s performance against concrete numbers, providing a clear understanding of how successful they are at converting leads into customers.
    Monitoring the pipeline also helps pinpoint where deals are getting stuck and which sales process stages require more attention, ultimately driving better sales outcomes.
  • MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue): Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is your business’s total revenue from all active subscriptions within a specific month.
    Calculating MRR gives founders a clear understanding of their business’s financial health and revenue growth potential by providing valuable insights.
  • ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue): Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) is a metric that calculates the yearly revenue generated by a business through subscriptions or contracts.
    ARR is a reliable indicator of a subscription business's health. It helps measure progress and predict the company’s future growth by considering the revenue a company anticipates will recur.
  • Churn Rate: The churn rate is when customers cease doing business with a company. Businesses must clearly understand churn to grow and adapt to customers' needs.
    Founders need to monitor churn rates because losing customers translates to losing revenue. In other words, a high churn rate could negatively impact a company's growth.
  • Ad Spend: Ad spend refers to the amount invested in advertising campaigns. Founders should monitor ad spend to ensure marketing budgets are allocated effectively and to optimize return on investment (ROI).
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): ROAS measures the revenue generated from advertising campaigns relative to the amount spent. Tracking ROAS helps founders evaluate the effectiveness of marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions about future campaigns.
  • Deals Won: Deals won represent the number of successful sales closed within a specific period. Monitoring deals won is essential for founders to assess sales team performance and the effectiveness of sales strategies.
  • Open Deals: Open deals are potential sales opportunities that have not yet been closed or lost. Tracking open deals helps founders identify opportunities in the pipeline and strategize on how to close more deals effectively.
  • Lost Deals: Lost deals refer to opportunities that were not successfully closed. Founders should track lost deals to understand the reasons for lost opportunities and implement strategies to improve sales outcomes.

Essential KPIs to be tracked by Marketers

In order to grow their business, SaaS marketers need to zero in on key KPIs. By diving into the data, they can determine how well their marketing strategies are working when it comes to acquiring and retaining customers.
Keeping an eye on the right KPIs allows them to uncover lucrative campaign opportunities, ultimately leading to increased revenue – a crucial aspect for many businesses in the industry.
Here are some vital KPIs that marketers should track to grow their business.

  • Website Visitors: The number of people who visit a website is an essential metric for marketers to gauge the reach and effectiveness of their digital marketing efforts.
    Tracking website visitors helps identify which channels and content drive the most traffic, enabling informed optimization decisions.
  • Leads: Leads are potential customers who have shown interest in a company's products or services. Marketers need to track leads to measure the success of lead-generation campaigns and identify opportunities to convert more visitors into potential customers.
  • MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead): MQLs are leads that have been deemed more likely to become customers based on their engagement with marketing content.
    Tracking MQLs helps marketers evaluate their lead nurturing strategies and focus on high-potential prospects.
  • SQL (Sales Qualified Lead): SQLs are leads that the sales team has determined are ready for a direct sales approach. Monitoring SQLs allows marketers to understand how effectively their marketing efforts contribute to the sales pipeline and drive revenue.
  • MQL to SQL Ratio: This KPI measures the conversion rate of marketing-qualified leads to sales-qualified leads. A high MQL to SQL ratio indicates effective collaboration between marketing and sales teams and successful lead nurturing strategies.
  • Leads to Deals Ratio: This ratio indicates the conversion rate of leads into closed deals. Tracking the leads-to-deals ratio helps marketers assess the effectiveness of their marketing and sales strategies in generating revenue and identify areas for improvement.
  • Ad Spend: Ad spend refers to the amount invested in advertising campaigns. Marketers should track ad spend to ensure they allocate their marketing budget effectively, optimize campaigns, and maximize return on investment (ROI).
  • Opportunities Lost: Opportunities lost are potential deals that were not successfully closed. Tracking opportunities lost is crucial for marketers to understand the reasons behind failed conversions and refine their strategies to improve marketing and sales outcomes.

For a comprehensive understanding of all SaaS metrics, explore our MetricBase Page.

How to Choose the Right KPI Dashboard

If you are a founder or marketer, especially in the SaaS industry, you must take into consideration many factors in order to create the perfect KPI dashboard.
Choosing the right dashboard to monitor your business performance and customizing it can help you make data-driven decisions that would help your business grow. 
Here are some points to consider when selecting the best KPI dashboard so that you stay on top of your metrics:

a. Understanding your business needs: Start by identifying your company’s objectives and short and long-term goals based on that.
Determine the most relevant KPIs for your organization and ensure that the dashboard you choose can effectively display and track these indicators.
Different dashboards cater to various industries and departments, so select one that aligns with your business objectives.

b. Ease of use and customization: A KPI dashboard, that is easy to use, becomes more accessible and relevant for a diverse range of users. A user-friendly interface encourages data-driven decision-making throughout the organization.
A customizable dashboard enables users from different departments and roles to tend to their specific needs and priorities. These aspects help create an effective KPI dashboard that drives improved performance and supports organizations in reaching their goals.

c. Integration with other tools and platforms: Choose a KPI dashboard that seamlessly integrates with the tools and platforms your business already uses, such as CRM, marketing automation, or project management software.
This ensures that your data is accurate and up-to-date, allowing more effective decision-making.

d. Cost and scalability: Consider the cost of the dashboard and whether it fits within your budget. Also, assess its scalability, as your business needs may change over time.
Select a dashboard that can grow with your organization and continue to deliver value as your requirements evolve.

Dataflo: Best KPI Dashboard for Founders & Marketers

Dataflo is a top choice for founders and marketers seeking the best KPI dashboard, thanks to its seamless integration with various data sources.
This integration creates a centralized and comprehensive platform for all pertinent data. Customizable dashboards cater to each business's needs, making crucial KPIs visible and trackable.

The platform's intuitive interface and user-friendly design ensure accessibility for users with different technical backgrounds, promoting swift adoption across teams.
Dataflo also excels in providing real-time data visualization and updates, enabling founders and marketers to make well-informed, data-driven decisions quickly.
Its powerful analytical features and collaborative tools help cultivate an organization’s data-driven culture, ultimately leading to improved performance and business growth.

Our customizable and user-friendly dashboards concentrate on the most important KPIs, enabling you to drive your business growth. Try Dataflo for free to transform your business with our tailored KPI dashboards. 


KPI dashboards have become essential tools for organizations striving to maintain a competitive edge.
Choosing the right KPI dashboard enables founders and marketers to collect and analyze key insights to make educated decisions and strategies to propel their businesses to success.

While choosing a KPI dashboard, you must ensure that the dashboards integrate with various data sources seamlessly.
As a founder, a customizable dashboard could be a powerful tool for you, enabling them to visualize key KPIs according to your specific needs.

If you are looking for the right KPI dashboard to track your essential KPIs and metrics, give Dataflo a go.

Get a 360 degree view of your business performance with GA4 Dashboard today
Measure user engagement on your website with Dataflo's Favourite Dashboard

Dataflo, a simple no code platform to visualise all your paid campaign metrics

Wouldn't it be nice to have a single dashboard that summarizes all your marketing efforts in one place? Check out Dataflo’s pre-built customizable dashboard for monitoring and evaluating the success of your paid marketing efforts across all your ad campaigns.

What if you get common values for Impressions, Clicks, CTR, CPC etc. for your multiple ad campaigns all under one roof?

Dataflo simplifies your paid advertising reporting with this feature. You don’t have to depend on often messy, time-consuming spreadsheets to track the most important KPIs/ metrics. No more logging into multiple accounts or hopping between different tools in the tech stack to check how your accounts on different channels are performing, or compiling a comprehensive report that seems to take eternity.

Now you can view your Facebook, Twitter and other social media performance metrics in one place.

Get started by following these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Get our pre-built template

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Step 3: In seconds, your dashboard will be ready to use

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Ira Singh

Ira Singh

Ira is a writer and blogs about her love of words. She has been responsible for creating powerful and effective content that attracts and retains customers. A blend of her humble writing experience and an endeavour to inspire people with her words is on her table now. She is an avid reader and a music lover too. She loves to devote time each day to yoga and meditation in addition to going for walks.

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Ira Singh

Ira Singh

Ira is a writer and blogs about her love of words. She has been responsible for creating powerful and effective content that attracts and retains customers. A blend of her humble writing experience and an endeavour to inspire people with her words is on her table now. She is an avid reader and a music lover too. She loves to devote time each day to yoga and meditation in addition to going for walks.

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