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New vs Unique Visitor


New visitors are the number of people who visit a website for the first time within a specific time frame.

Difference between New vs Unique Visitor?

New visitors and unique visitors are both terms used to describe website traffic, but they represent different aspects of the traffic.

New visitors refer to the number of people who visit a website for the first time within a specific time frame, such as a day, week, or month. These visitors have not previously visited the website during the selected time frame.

On the other hand, unique visitors refer to the number of distinct individuals who visit a website within a specific time frame, regardless of how many times they visit. For example, if one person visits a website five times in a week, they would be counted as one unique visitor but five new visitors.

In summary, new visitors represent the number of first-time visitors to a website during a specific time frame, while unique visitors represent the number of distinct individuals who visit a website during a specific time frame.

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